About Me - Srividya

About Me

Get to know more about me.

Hello everyone! Srividya here… Many of you know me.. for those who don’t, let me introduce myself. I am a Mom, daughter, sister, teacher, writer etc. I am proud to be a woman and want to shout out to all the women out there… for just being what you are!

Well, I have done my MA. B.Ed after my graduation in commerce. I have been a teacher for 15 years plus now. I teach English to High School students at a reputed school in Chennai. I am also a speaking examiner for ESOL examinations conducted by Cambridge English(University). I am an Award Leader for IAYP(International Awards for Young People) conducted at school level.

I have a lovely, close-knit family. The apple of my eye is my daughter, Dr. Shreya who is loving, graceful and supremely talented.

Writing has been my passion for quite some time now. I have nurtured it and it has now got wings which are far-reaching and limitless. I am extending my horizons and pursuing my passion earnestly. I have written and published flash fiction, poetry, articles and so much more! The accolades and awards I received and your encouragement inspires me to push my limits, jump higher and better my best.

Thank you so much. I hope you will enjoy reading all my works in this platform. God Bless!