#Pocket poem 13 #Majic 9

As I strolled around Heaven’s Garden one day, I saw a silver wand on the fluffy white seat, I gingerly picked it up keeping my fears at bay Lo! I made lonely Jo get friends, he’s now happy and gay,

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#Pocket poem 12 #Sijo

A Korean verse form related to haiku and tanka and comprised of three lines of 14-16 syllables each, for a total of 44-46 syllables.  Time has taken me through the rolling ages ceaselessly, Some chances were well-taken and some, where

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#Pocket poem 11-Whitney

This titled syllabic form, created by Betty Ann Whitney, has exactly seven lines. Syllable Pattern:  3/4/3/4/3/4/7 The song sung By the hillside Caught in breeze Flows seamlessly To strange lands Lands distinctly Yet is heard by true lover.  

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#Pocket Poem 9-Flamenca

The flamenca is a Spanish quintain (or 5-line stanza) form with a staccato rhythm meant to replicate the click of heels by flamenco dancers. The flamenca goes by a few other names, including seguidilla gitana (or Gypsy seguidilla), playera, and/or

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#Pocket Poem 8-Ida’s Sunshade

Ida’s sunshade is a form of poetry that when centered, the poem looks like a parasol or an umbrella. The number of syllables are represented by x. Take a look! xxxxxxxx (8) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (15) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (22) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (22) xxxx (4)

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#Pocket Poem 7- Limerick

A limerick is a popular form of short, humorous verse often nonsensical and ribald. It consists of five lines, rhyming aabba. The lonely, old doctor called Mr. Potter Proudly got home a little pet Otter, He scrubbed it to a shine

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Pocket Poem 6-Breccbairdne

The breccbairdne is an Irish quatrain form. Here are the basic guidelines: Quatrain (or four-line stanza) form Five syllables in the first line; six syllables in the other three lines Each line ends with a two-syllable word Lines two and

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Pocket Poem Day 5- Epitaph

A short poem intended for (or imagined as) an inscription on a tombstone and often serves as a brief elegy. He captured many a heart, Till he unwillingly depart, Books, his unageing friend To heaven, I shall try to send,

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Pocket Poem-Day 4-Pensee

A pensee poem is a 5-line, non-rhyming patterned poem. Line 1: Subject (2 syllables) Line 2: Description (4 syllables) Line 3: Action (7 syllables) Line 4: Setting (8 syllables) Line 5: Final thought (6 syllables) Title: Darkness Darkness Growing inside, Watered by your pessimism,

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