A Better Grave

#ArtoonsinnWritersRoom #JulyWritingEvent 2 I clearly remember that day in 1780. Boom! The entire ammunition depot of the British was on fire. Flames leapt up to the sky but no greater than what burned in my heart. All of them rejoiced.

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A Night Too Long

He stood under the only yellow light in the dingy room, his blank eyes absorbing the theatrical performance outside. Thunder clapped, “Action!” As if on cue, lightening sparkled, blinding the audience and brightening the vast stage acrimoniously, only to die

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Who is Julius Caesar?

Disclaimer: The characters in the story are fictitious and bear no resemblance to the original historical characters. The warm glow of the spotlights in the Birchwood auditorium where we were shooting for Julius Caesar’s play covered me with warmth and

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The Day She Went Away

5th April 2022 I saw her with a few kids in the playground. To confirm my suspicions, I went near but stood silently. She was telling them a story animatedly. Her body language, gestures and voice modulations held the kids

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The Homecoming

It was yet another Sunday. Every day was the same since his father died two years ago. He just puffed out like a genie. Poof! Again, it was the same when such thoughts assuaged his mind. He couldn’t complete his

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Sumptuous Beginnings

Theme- Harvest Festival Melodious strains of the violin blended with inconspicuous chatter at Mayor Vincent Hall on Beach Road, Chennai. The venue for the Industrial Summit, from 11th to 13th January 2024, organized by the Central Federation of Industries basked

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The Birthday Gift

The moon wore a gown with shades of grey instead of its usual silvery attire that night. Pramila twitched nervously, wishing that at least nature could have shown her some mercy. The blaring horn sent her nimble feet scurrying to

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The Outdoor Classroom- A Life Sans Screens

It was 9 a.m. Ten-year-old Nyonika was busy playing ‘Guns and Booms’, her favourite game, on her mother’s iPad. “Nyonika, come quickly, have your breakfast,” her mother’s voice rose irritably with every passing minute. She couldn’t stand Nyonika’s self-damaging behaviour.

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#The Day You Went Away

I read your diary. First, I felt a strange sense of unease holding it. You never let anyone touch it. The nervousness still clings to me. Still, I wanted to feel you and listen to you. And it was overpowering!

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