The Lady Bird

This poem is of the type ‘The Florette’. Created by Jan Turner, the Florette consists of two or more 4-line stanzas. It follows the syllable count 8-8-8-12 and aaba rhyme scheme. Like the outgrowing of a small flower, the fourth

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Who is Julius Caesar?

Disclaimer: The characters in the story are fictitious and bear no resemblance to the original historical characters. The warm glow of the spotlights in the Birchwood auditorium where we were shooting for Julius Caesar’s play covered me with warmth and

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THE BLAME The monotonous whirring sound of the old fan in my room made me shiver with irritation. Sweat beads creased my brow as I looked up at it and then down at the rusty blade in my hand. The

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AT SIXTY-FIVE Manohar sat on the edge of the ragged cliff looking at the imposing Himalayan mountains far away. The spongy clouds had just parted company with them to sail across the cerulean sky along with the little gusts of

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My Tribal Godmother

Note: This story won first place in Penmancy’s #HarnessWriting Contest. The Aftermath I blinked in a desperate attempt to open my heavy eyelids. The drops of water sprinkled on me pierced like needles. I loved the cool, enigmatic darkness and

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The Old Church

Still standing majestic over stretches of green lawn A silent testimony to the heartless ravages of time, Its careful makeup stripped, now replaced by grime, The old church, once a godly umbrella, is pathetically torn.   The kaleidoscopic light streaming

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The Day She Went Away

5th April 2022 I saw her with a few kids in the playground. To confirm my suspicions, I went near but stood silently. She was telling them a story animatedly. Her body language, gestures and voice modulations held the kids

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The following poetry takes the form of Christ-in-a-Rhyme. It deals with the theme of pain in love. The Christ-in-a-Rhyme, a shape poem of the spiriatual nature, was created by Christina R Jussaume on October 3, 2006, consists of five 3-lined stanza

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The Homecoming

It was yet another Sunday. Every day was the same since his father died two years ago. He just puffed out like a genie. Poof! Again, it was the same when such thoughts assuaged his mind. He couldn’t complete his

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Welcome Starry Nights

The sheer dark curtains, sparkle across the soft skies, Exude a quiet brilliance like a genius yet lonely soul, Who works best in calm, where serenity abounds, Heedless to careless banter, oblivious to inimical sounds.   Listening to tales of

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