The Old Church

Still standing majestic over stretches of green lawn A silent testimony to the heartless ravages of time, Its careful makeup stripped, now replaced by grime, The old church, once a godly umbrella, is pathetically torn.   The kaleidoscopic light streaming

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The Day She Went Away

5th April 2022 I saw her with a few kids in the playground. To confirm my suspicions, I went near but stood silently. She was telling them a story animatedly. Her body language, gestures and voice modulations held the kids

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The following poetry takes the form of Christ-in-a-Rhyme. It deals with the theme of pain in love. The Christ-in-a-Rhyme, a shape poem of the spiriatual nature, was created by Christina R Jussaume on October 3, 2006, consists of five 3-lined stanza

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The Homecoming

It was yet another Sunday. Every day was the same since his father died two years ago. He just puffed out like a genie. Poof! Again, it was the same when such thoughts assuaged his mind. He couldn’t complete his

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Welcome Starry Nights

The sheer dark curtains, sparkle across the soft skies, Exude a quiet brilliance like a genius yet lonely soul, Who works best in calm, where serenity abounds, Heedless to careless banter, oblivious to inimical sounds.   Listening to tales of

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Quote on Ramayana

I stood rooted, overwhelmed by challenges My steps frozen under their pushing weight I called upon my lady luck to give me respite Solve the challenges while I escape. She jeered and found her way to a place Where a

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