Brides ‘n’ Blooms -RemyLa Rhyme

RemyLa Rhyme is a four-stanza poem. Its features include:

  • Each stanza has four lines.
  • The syllable count per stanza is 8/10/12/8,
  • The rhyme scheme is abca defd ghig jklj.
  • The first word of stanza 1 must also be the last word of stanza 4.
  • The last word of stanza 1 must also be the first word of stanza 2 and the last word of stanza 2 must be the first word of stanza 3. The last word of stanza 3 must also be the first word of stanza 4.

Blooms seen along the countryside,

Brighten spirits with multi-coloured hues,

Spray intoxicating scent on the passers-by,

Peep into streams like a shy bride.

Bride who waits with a wanting heart,

For springs of love to quench her thirsty soul
For sweet flirtations to soothe every throbbing ache
Treats or trials, she plays her part.

 Part of her life has long perished,

In quiet, elusive embers of time,

She covers her distress in elegant dresses

That hide memories once cherished.

Cherished is she who dispels gloom,

Makes valiant efforts to add a rainbow

In dark skies threatening to shed copious tears,

And spread cheer like countryside blooms.

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