A Caged Tiger-Clogynarch

Clogynarch is of Welsh origin. It is usually a 6-line poem. However, some poets combine lines 5 and 6 as one. The guidelines: One stanza, six lines Rhyme Scheme: aabbba Syllables per line: 8-8-5-5-3-3 POV: non-human animals (the poet is

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Veils Of The Morning-Triversen

Developed by William CarlosWilliams, the triversen is a stanzaic poem. Each stanza is a complete sentence broken into three lines.  Guidelines: Syllable count: none Rhyme scheme: non-rhyming Veils of the morning cover the surroundings in shy grandeur.   A supreme

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Mahakavi – A Bio

A bio poem is about someone’s life, personality traits, values and ambitions. It can be autobiographical or biographical. Guidelines: 12-20 lines (can be stanzaic) 8-12 syllables per line nonrhyming Sporting a Sikh turban and dapper mustache, I reigned the hearts

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Agony Of The Dead -A Monchielle

Developed by Jim T. Henriksen, a Monchielle has the following guidelines: The poem contains 4 stanzas Each stanza has five lines Every line has six syllables Every first line is repeated and comes back as the other stanzas’ first line

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The Rainy Saga

The two frogs were not the only ones breathing a sigh of relief when the rain poured down in all its splendour. Numerous creatures, popular and not-so-popular ones came out of their hiding places to welcome the much-needed downpour. Everyone’s

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A Day Without You

As the Sun sets, colouring the sky In bright orange and pink hues, I sigh with relief that the end is near Of a rueful day without you.   The morning looked swathed in gloom, Refusing to smile at the

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#Pocket poem 13 #Majic 9

As I strolled around Heaven’s Garden one day, I saw a silver wand on the fluffy white seat, I gingerly picked it up keeping my fears at bay Lo! I made lonely Jo get friends, he’s now happy and gay,

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#Pocket poem 12 #Sijo

A Korean verse form related to haiku and tanka and comprised of three lines of 14-16 syllables each, for a total of 44-46 syllables.  Time has taken me through the rolling ages ceaselessly, Some chances were well-taken and some, where

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In a Drizzling Morning

A whispering drizzle awakens the world A struggling Sun tries to rule the day. Gently nudges the listless to take a step bold, See the sparkling pearly drops on nature And the centipedes who brave their way.   To see

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