Created by Christina R Jussaume, this poem called as ‘Spirit’s Vessel’ consists of three stanzas of six lines of six syllables each. It is an ACROSTIC poem where the first letters of the First stanza read as VESSEL Second stana read as OFYOUR (without

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Pocket Poem 6-Breccbairdne

The breccbairdne is an Irish quatrain form. Here are the basic guidelines: Quatrain (or four-line stanza) form Five syllables in the first line; six syllables in the other three lines Each line ends with a two-syllable word Lines two and

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Yours Truly, Sasha

As a part of a contest, we were asked to write a 500-word story about a human with characteristics of an animal/bird/reptile. And I chose the otter. Hope you like it! The gurgling sound of the rivulet flowing through the

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The Silent Track

3rd September 2022 8 a.m.: New dawn awakened Rina and brought a smile to her lips just as it did to the tulips and roses in the garden which she could see from her hotel window. At last, the stormy

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The Photo Album

I slowly turned the yellowing pages in monochrome, To find many known faces smiling at me. Come join us, they lovingly seem to call, As they pose proudly before an unknown entity.   I look searchingly for special effects and

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Guru’s Benevolence

The loud ringing of the alarm failed to wake up Dev. He had slept late the previous night after working on the final presentation of his project work on ‘Space and Gravity’ which he was to present at the ‘International

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Pocket Poem Day 5- Epitaph

A short poem intended for (or imagined as) an inscription on a tombstone and often serves as a brief elegy. He captured many a heart, Till he unwillingly depart, Books, his unageing friend To heaven, I shall try to send,

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Pocket Poem-Day 4-Pensee

A pensee poem is a 5-line, non-rhyming patterned poem. Line 1: Subject (2 syllables) Line 2: Description (4 syllables) Line 3: Action (7 syllables) Line 4: Setting (8 syllables) Line 5: Final thought (6 syllables) Title: Darkness Darkness Growing inside, Watered by your pessimism,

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Blessed Love

My poem published in Valentine’s Day Anthology compiled and edited by Dr. Sonia Gupta-eminent writer and author Blessed Love The gentle breeze causes a flutter in my heart, The warmth of the Sun touches my core, As I ponder on

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