The Love Path

This poem of mine is published in an Anthology for Valentine’s day by Dr. Sonia Gupta-eminent writer and author. Is there a way that leads me away from thee? If anyone finds one, do enlighten me. I am so lost

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#NaPoWriMo Appreciation

April was a poetry writing month. How can I forget it? Without knowing what it takes, I jumped headlong into #NaPoWriMo for Penmancy and before I knew it the month drew to a close… Guess what! I had written the

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Who Are You?

Looking out of the water-stained windows I see the countryside buried in rainy tears, I vehemently address the sky and ask who are you, Why have you let our peace flow down the drain?   You come down and enter

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Empty Bed- Antonym of Sleep

I shudder going into my bedroom Where an empty bed bears testimony, To the good-byes for being that indolent groom Who is now waited upon for a huge alimony.   The sweet wailings of a new-born haunt the place, Along

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Spring Bloom

Like a rich garment on a fair bride Like a multi-hued artwork on a bright canvas Like a dash of makeup on an excited child The Spring has spread its bloom with elegant finesse.   The barren trees stand overwhelmed

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My Beacon of Light

I do not wish to repeat ‘The Road not Taken’ by Robert Frost. But one part of the poem keeps coming to my mind every day. Here it goes- I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and

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The Phone Call

I sit by the large glass window Seeing the yellow autumn leaves fall, Waiting for the deafening stillness To break with that one phone call.   I wait ardently for him to call From across the seven seas, To enthral

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